1. Antecedents

Fotolia 2400104 L reducedThe Doctorate in Telecommunications Technologies – DTT (adapted to EEES) offered by the Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) stems from the Doctorate in Advanced Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). With mention of quality from the ANECA, with reference MCD2008 00059, RESOLUTION on 20th October 2008, of the Secretary of State for Universities, it was conceded the Mention of Quality for doctorate studies in Spanish universities for the 2008-2009 academic year, with a validation period of this mention of quality from 2008-2009 to 2011-2012 (BOE 273, Wednesday 12th November 2008)


2. Structure

The DDT is structured around a training period and a research period and includes the writing and presentation of a doctoral thesis, consisting of original research work. The training period is established as that defined in the Master´s in Telecommunications Technology of the IUMA. The rest of the program is divided into two parts:

  • Research period of 60 ECTS credits to be carried out in a year
  • Writing and presentation of doctoral thesis, up to 2 years

During the research period, the doctorate student has the obligation to complete work and courses, which are grouped into teaching-learning modules, based on the research lines on offer, with up to a total of 60 ECTS credits.The research lines offered in the doctorate course are outlined as follows:

L1: Microelectronics Technology (TME). Lead by: Antonio Hernández Ballester

SL1: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFICS)

L2: Integrated Systems Design (DSI). Lead by: Roberto Sarmiento Rodríguez

SL1: Integrated Systems for Multimedia.

L3: Industrial Systems and CAD (SICAD). Lead by: Aurelio Vega Martínez

SL1: Mesh and Computational Geometry.

SL2: Design Methods for Chip Integrated Systems and Industrial Embedded Systems.

L4: Information Technology (INF). Lead by: José María Quinteiro González.

SL1:Distributed Systems.

L5: Equipment and Systems for Communication (COM).Lead by: Roberto Esper-Chain Falcón

SL1: Biosensors

SL2: Development of Wireless Applications

L6: Microelectronics  and Microsystems (MEMS). Lead by: Juan Antonio Montiel Nelson

SL1: Nano- and Micro- Electromechanic Systems.

In each of these research lines the following work modules are considered for each semester with the ECTS credits outlined below:

  • Project options and opening lines of communication within the group. State of the Art of the specific research topic (6 ECTS)
  • Definition of R+D+i projects, problem approach and experiments on the specific topic. Planning, Design, Technical Scientific Methodology. Project management (6 ECTS)
  • Learning technical aspects of work and projects on the specific topic. Material, equipment, instruments, tools, libraries, repositories, previous work, modelling, simulation and methods (12 ECTS)
  • Development of projects and research work and result finding in the specific topic (24 ECTS)
  • Discussion, conclusions, writing up work (6 ECTS)
  • Accreditation of the research phase. Final assessment test. (6 ECTS)

3. Documentation

DTT Document (pdf, in spanish)

DTT Presentation (pdf, in spanish)

4. More information

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