grupo iuma 1Welcome to the Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA), a public institution located in the Canary Islands, Spain. We're proud of offering our services, capabilities and expertise in a multidisciplinary scenario where microelectronics, communications, computer science, physics and mathematics play a key role for the advance of today's world.

IUMA started its activities back in the late 1980 by coordinated synergies of a qualified group of researchers and experts from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). Since its conception, IUMA has witnessed changes in its administrative and legal status due to its excellence in research and technology transfer to industries, being partly granted at present by the regional and national government apart from the incomes obtained from private and public industries as well as from competitive scientific programs.

Our activites are well stablished in a triangle-based structure well connected one to each other: research, development and education. Within the field of research, IUMA has a strong presence in diverse initiatives. Some of our members participate in the Steering Committee of international conferences or have been chairing some of them (DATE, ICECS, ISQUED, PATMOS, Euromicro, SPIE, DCIS...) while others are part of the Editorial Board of International journals. IUMA members have published more than 300 papers in well-known journals and conferences. In the development field, IUMA owns state-of-the-art equipment and software tools to produce new technology products for industries located in USA, Europe and Australia. Our participation in the EUROPRACTICE initiative as co-founder, gives us direct access to diverse facilities and microelectronic technologies with great interest for the industrial segment. IUMA is also promoting innovation in the local sector by collaborating with emerging enterprises. Furthermore, during the last 15 years we have participated in the cration of 8 spin-off, being a valuable factor of innovation in the Canary Islands. Eduaction occupies an important time in our diary labours. IUMA member lecture mainly in the School of Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering. IUMA also offers a PhD in Telecommunication Technology, which has received a quaility recognition from the Spanish Government due to its excellence, and since year 2012 a MSc on Telecommunication Technology has increased our offer in our educational tasks.

We hope that the information included in this web site will be of your interest, and expect to be able to work together searching for mutual benefits.

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