The facilities encountered at IUMA Laboratories is, together with our human capital, our best value inn orde to participate in R&D projects with our partners. I's also frequently use in our educational labours.
1. Laboratories
- Laboratory of Microelectronics Technology
- Laboratory if Integrated Circuits
- Laboratory of Computer Aided Design
- Laboratory of Integrated Circuits Testing
- Laboratory of Industrial Products
- Laboratory of Communication Systems
- Laboratory of Computer Science
- Laboratory for Prototipying
2. Library
- Located at the main building in the Scientific and Technology Park
- Access to all IEEE publications
3. Intranet
- Intranet for research and development
- Connected systems: Sun SPARC with Solaris, Linux and Microsoft Windows
- Servers: Sun Enterprise, Sun FIRE
- Stations at the laboratories: Sun Ultra 10, Sun Blade 100/150, PCs
- Periphericals in the network: printers, plotters, scanners...
- Information servers: SMTP corporative electronic mail (Unix), POP, IMAP, WWW, Web creation, distribution lists, databases, library access, on-line information service...
- 30 software packages for design, calculus and simulation
- Direct management of 230 users
4. Technologies
- AMS CMOS 0.35 µm
- AMS BiCMOS HBT 0.35µm
- AMS Digital/Mixed Signal CMOS 0.8µm (cxq).
- AMS High Voltage (20V/30V & 50V/70V) CMOS 0.8µm (cxz).
- AMS BiCMOS/SiGe BiCMOS HV 0.8µm (byq).
- STMicroelectronics CMOS 65 nm
- STMicroelectronics 90 nm
- TSMC 0.18 µm logic/mixed-signal (1P6M)
- UMC CMOS 0.18 µm, 0.13 µm, 90 nm, 65 nm
- ALTERA FPGAs families
- XILINX FPGAs families
5. CAD tools
- Cadence
- Agilent
- Technologies
- Altera
- Xilinx
- Calypto
- Coventor
- MathWorks
- Mentor
- Graphics
- Sinopsys
- SystemC - Acellera Systems Initiative